Stagecoach Water General Improvement District installed piping improvements and required an updated fire flow analysis to ensure the water system improvements did not negatively impact the capacity and pressures. We provided guidance and our hydraulic modeling expertise in WaterCAD to NCE by assisting with both the required updates to the hydraulic model and the results analysis. The model was originally built for dynamic analysis, and we assisted with developing a diurnal curve, pump inputs, and design criteria inputs (valve set points, C factors, and fire flow rates) to convert the model to a dynamic, extended period simulation model. We assisted with setting up the fire flow analysis and interpreting the results. We reviewed the report and provided input for suggested changes for a comprehensive summary of the updates and results.
Scope of services:
- Project management
- Hydraulic analysis
- Hydraulic model updates
- Report, review, and recommended changes
- Hydraulic model training