Opening Doors – A Message from Myriad’s President

Opening doors can mark the beginning of an adventure, discovering new ways of doing things, or even inviting something new into your life. The door I have recently opened reveals a new and exciting adventure both personally and professionally- my new company, Myriad Engineering, Inc.  This marks the next chapter of my career and I’m very excited to share that with you.

Myriad was born from a bold re-imagining of what a competitive company can look like in the AEC space. At its core, Myriad presents an opportunity to examine how a modern engineering company can think, operate, and engage with the modern world. I would like to share a little about our values and how they look to shape our vision for the future.

Embrace Innovative Ideas

We believe creating a culture that promotes and inspires innovation is critical to facing many of the challenges we see as a company and as an industry. Internally, we are seizing opportunities to transform and streamline business processes. This enables us to create efficiency and responsiveness that larger, bureaucratic companies struggle to provide. Over the coming months, we will be testing and implementing a series of innovations that aim to add unique value for both our clients and our partnerships.  Additionally, we look to innovate communication methods with clients, communities, and future generations of engineers.  We are very excited to share these innovations over the coming year.

We believe creating a culture that promotes and inspires innovation is critical to facing many of the challenges we see as a company and as an industry

Provide Reliable Solutions

While we believe embracing innovation will be vital, it is tempered by our desire to create solutions that are technically sound. Our goal is always to provide safe, reliable performance over the expected life of the infrastructure. We are unwilling to jeopardize the stability of a project to be an early adopter of untested technology. We take our responsibility to our clients, our communities, and our partners seriously. We understand our long-term success depends on it.

We are unwilling to jeopardize the stability of a project to be an early adopter of untested technology.

Establish Lasting Partnerships

Over my career, I have worked to establish relationships with a variety of professionals and companies in our community. Myriad represents my commitment in continuing those lasting relationships and to creating new enduring partnerships based on the legacy of trust, collaboration, and delivering results that I have worked hard to create.

Myriad represents my commitment in continuing those lasting relationships and to creating new enduring partnerships based on the legacy of trust, collaboration, and delivering results…

I want to thank you for taking the time to visit our site. My hope is that you will join us on the journey ahead as we collaborate to create new solutions.  If you are interested in learning more about Myriad and the solutions we provide, feel free to call me personally at 916-799-0754.

To your continued success,
